Raspberry pi pinout diagram
Raspberry pi pinout diagram

Therefore, the sampling frequency is 96 x 1 / 48MHz) = 2 μs per sample (500kS/s). ADC takes 96 CPU clock cycles to perform one conversion. Because RP2040 microcontroller operates on 48MHZ clock frequency which comes from USB PLL. ADC Module GPIO Pins ADC0 GP26 ADC1 GP27 ADC2 GP28Ī/D conversion can be performed in polling, interrupt, and FIFO with DMA mode.ĪDC conversion speed per sample is 2μs that is 500kS/s. The following table shows that the input signal for ADC0, ADC1, and ADC2 can be connected with GP26, GP27, and GP28 pins, respectively. Therefore, if we want to measure temperature, we can directly use build-in temperature by reading the analog value of ADC4. The fourth analog channel is internal connected to the internal temperature sensor. But only three analog channels are exposed to pinout. It supports four 12-bit SAR based analog to digital converters. Note: The Raspberry Pi Pico’s GPIOs are connected to the on-board 3.3V rail and are therefore fixed at 3.3V. Negative edge ( transition from active high to active low).Positive edge ( transition from active low to active high).GPIO Interrupt PinsĪll GPIO pins can be configured as an external interrupt pin on the following four changes on the state of GPIO pins: These 26 GPIO pins can be used both in digital input and digital output mode. GP26, GP27, and GP28 are the next digital pins available. GP23, GP24, and GP25 are not exposed on the pinout. These digital pins are marked as GP0, GP1, and up to GP22. Out of these 26 pins, 23 pins are digital pins, and only 3 pins have analog read capability. Raspberry Pi Pico exposes 26 multi-function GPIO pins from a total of 36 GPIO pins available in RP2040 microcontroller. Now let’s see the pin configuration details of all peripherals which are supported by the Raspberry Pi Pico development board: GPIO Pins But only one alternate function can be used at a time. For example, GP0 and GP1 pins can be used as digital input, digital output, I2C0 ( SDA and SCK pins), UART0 ( Rx and Tx). It is a 21×51 ‘DIP’ style 1mm thick PCB.Īll GPIO pins have multiple functions. The color marking at the bottom end of this pinout diagram shows Power, ground, UART, GPIO, PWM, ADC, SPI, I2C, system control, and Debugging pins. It provides a total of 40 pins including, 26 GPIO pins, eight GND, 3 debugging, and Vcc pins. The following picture shows the pinout diagram of the Raspberry Pi Pico development board. Raspberry Pi Pico Limitations Raspberry Pi Pico Pinout.Raspberry Pi Pico Features and Specifications.

Raspberry pi pinout diagram